Other Internet Manifestos

Here are some internet manifestos I found with the help of Reclaiming The Internet (a group on Spacehey- a MySpace revival site). The content in these manifestos do not necessarily represent my views. They are meant to showcase a variety of internet manifestos (written in English), including those authored by individuals, communities, governments, and corporations.

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, John Perry Barlow. (1996)

The IFLA Internet Manifesto, International Federation of Library Associations. (2002, updated 2014)

Manifesto for a New Web, The Yesterweb. Check out their collection of manifestos towards the bottom of the page!

Internet manifesto, sadgrl.online.

A Declaration for the Future of the Internet, The White House. (2022)

The Case for a Better Web, David V. Kimball.

The Mozilla Manifesto Addendum: Pledge for a Healthy Internet, Mozilla.

Assholes, Douschebags, and Badasses, Dr. Steuss.