I could not have done this without
Professor Hiram Perez, the best senior project advisor I could have ever asked for. You showed me the importance of making this project meaningful to me.
Professor Lisa Collins and Melissa McAlley, who make me proud to call the American Studies department my home.
My mother Zhaohui Sheng. Although I’m still too scared to show her any of this, she inspires me to always believe in transformation and to always picture a different reality on the horizon.
Annie Tang, who reminds me that theory has always existed outside the ivory tower and academia is what we make of it.
Chloe Self, who means everything to me yet reminds me I’m not doomed to have love consume all I am.
My depressive slumps that make it impossible to get out of bed and their complementary hypomanic productive bursts that keep me up all night :/
and everyone who has passed through my life. I hope you will all keep haunting me, in the best possible way.